Not guilty verdict in second offense OUI charge

Late in the evening of August 22, 2018, Anthony S. was traveling north on Route 107 in Saugus, Massachusetts.  Anthony crashed into a car that was stopped at a red light.  Anthony’s car then overturned and partially submerged in a swamp.

Anthony climbed from the vehicle and was eventually confronted by police.  The police allegedly smelled the oder of alcohol on Anthony.  They asked Anthony to submit to so-called “field sobriety tests”.  The tests required Anthony to stand on one leg while counting aloud and then walk a straight line touching heal to toe.  The police claim he failed the tests.

Attorney Salinas tried the case before a jury in Lynn District Court.  He argued that it was preposterous that the police might smell alcohol on Anthony over the smell of a swamp in the middle of summer.  Moreover, the field sobriety tests were wholly unreliable when required to be performed after a violent crash.

A jury found Anthony not guilty after short deliberation.