Postdivorce modification complaint leads to custody change

Henry G. and his wife were divorced for 8 years.  Henry was an introspective, mild mannered and soft spoken individual.  The divorce process was very traumatic for him because of his wife’s domineering personality.   In the divorce he “settled” for a one-sided agreement to put an end to the bitter divorce litigation.  Henry felt that ending the battle would promote a better atmosphere to raise their child after the divorce.

In the years that would follow, the custody arrangement became unworkable.  Their child began staying out late, failing in school and eventually ran away from his mother who was the primary custodial parent.  Henry was left with no alternative but to seek court intervention.

Henry hired Attorney Silva to file a Complaint for Modification.  Attorney Silva assured Henry that the true facts of the case would most influence the outcome.  Not the personalities of the parties or their lawyers.

Sure enough, the passing years did not soften mother.  She responded to the court filing with a slew of false narratives.  The child was “thriving”.  Father was “uninvolved”.  Father was a “deadbeat” just looking to avoid child support.  The facts, however, simply did not support mother’s claims.

Attorney Silva negotiated a new parenting agreement that gave Henry sole legal and physical custody of their child.